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pituitary function中文是什么意思

用"pituitary function"造句"pituitary function"怎么读"pituitary function" in a sentence


  • 垂体功能


  • This suggests that pituitary function and the release of different sizes of growth hormone is altered with weight training
  • Baseline and stimulated growth hormone ( gh ) , cortisol , luteinizing hormone ( lh ) , follicle - stimulating hormone ( fsh ) , prolactin ( prl ) , and thyroid - stimulating hormone ( tsh ) responses were measured using standard pituitary function tests , before therapy in all and during therapy in 17 out of the 21 patients
    用标准的垂体功能试验评估所有21例患者中17例治疗前及期间基础和刺激状态下的生长激素( gh ) ,皮质醇,促黄体生成素( lh ) ,促卵胞生成素( fsh ) ,催乳素( prl )以及促甲状腺激素( tsh )的反应。
用"pituitary function"造句  
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